Language focus

Language focus | 27.04.2010

Interpreters assist in relief efforts following earthquake in China

Interpreters have been helping with relief efforts following the 6.9 magnitude earthquake which struck the town of Yushu in China last week. As the majority of relief workers do not speak Tibetan, this inability to communicate with the local population has severely hampered the rescue mission and has prompted a call for volunteer interpreters. The…

Language focus | 27.04.2010

Should you choose bokmål or nynorsk?

Until the beginning of the twentieth century written Norwegian was almost identical to Danish. The spoken language was always different, with its own dialects, but because of the political union of Norway and Denmark (from 1380 to 1814) there was a strong Danish influence on the written language. This influence continued after 1814, when Norway…

Language focus | 23.04.2010

Happy Saint George's Day

The 23rd of April is widely accepted as the date on which our Patron Saint George died and is England’s National Day. We thought it appropriate to mention the Patron Saint of England on this notable day, and to mention that although Saint George’s Day is not celebrated in England with anywhere near the same…

Language focus | 21.04.2010

Chinese Whispers. How does gossip translate?

In a society seemingly obsessed with gossip and propaganda, we were curious to see how far this phenomenon stretches. Stephanie, Account Manager in our Manchester office investigates: “The word gossip dates back to 16th Century Old English and the verb seems to have been brought to life by our literary hero William Shakespeare. It’s fair…

Language focus | 02.04.2010

Wasei Eigo – Ross investigates a very Japanese use of English loan words

Romance languages can be strikingly similar or sometimes even identical. For example, ‘beer’, ‘football’ and ‘sport’ have near identical spelling and pronunciation in English and French. However, the same is also true to a much smaller extent with English and Japanese. Western culture infiltrated Japan at the outset of the 20th century, resulting in western…

Language focus | 19.03.2010

Native speakers prove vital for accurate translation

A good translation is not always self-evident. It requires careful preparation, good experience and most of all you need to be a native speaker. Our eyes fell on a Belgian article published last month, which serves as a perfect illustration. A Belgian PR-company, HL Event, had sent out invitations for a VIP-arrangement at the French…

Language focus | 18.03.2010

The French celebrate their language

French, alongside English, is the only language in the world to be spoken on five continents. This universal character is surely proof of the language’s vitality and dynamism. Over the years, institutions such as the Académie française have carefully guarded the innate character of its native tongue. However, the French language has also been encouraged…

Language focus | 12.03.2010

Cockney ATM machines – localisation gone mad?

An ATM machine in London has come up with a new idea of displaying its commands in Cockney Slang, is this localisation gone mad – or just a little bit of fun? According to Ron Delnevo, managing director of Bank Machine; the company responsible for these unique cash points; he “…wanted to introduce something fun…

Language focus | 11.03.2010

Getting it write – making the most of your translation spend

Creative writing is not something that comes easy to most people. If it did, let’s face it, we’d all be best-selling authors, living off million dollar royalty payments! Nevertheless, writing copy that accurately conveys what you and your company stand for and, more importantly, reflects the image you want to project to the world is…

Language focus | 25.02.2010

Early learning: the rise of multilingual and bilingual foreign language schemes for children

From Chile to Scotland, the prevalence and popularity of pre-school language programmes are booming as the professional, cultural and educational benefits brought about by the ability to speak another language are becoming more apparent. Coupled with research work carried out by academic and European institutions into multilingualism and its effects, these pioneering schemes are taking…

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