Think Global, Act Local: our commitment to clients and company principles
Originally referring to how best people can address environmental challenges, the ‘think global, act local’ mantra has diffused genres and is now commonly used in connection with customer relationship management (CRM) strategies to encourage businesses to engage with wider aims and issues as well as the individual, consumer-led issues at hand[1]. End goals can often seem overwhelming: ensuring client satisfaction and loyalty may be a business’ aim, but how best should they go about it? As a company whose business is entrenched in acknowledging and adapting to international nuances, this global-local combination plays a huge role in The Translation People’s CRM strategy.
Here at The Translation People, we embody the ‘think global, act local’ philosophy so that we’re able to focus on communication, evolution and collaboration, concepts we feel are key to having happy, loyal clients. A centralised, one-size-fits-all approach which focuses solely on general issues, as one article points out, is one that is stagnant and out of touch[2], something which has no place in customer relations. Instead, our combination of a centralised set of standards together with local adaptations encourages efficacy whilst ensuring a useful, flexible and results-driven approach.
So what does this actually mean for our client interactions? Unlike many agencies with an international client base, our service is as unique and tailored as the solutions we provide. For example, our experienced employees know the importance of client interaction and feedback, and make every effort to obtain as much of each of these as possible. From a local perspective, we understand customers’ frustrations in dealing with non-native customer service personnel, so we cater to our more mature markets with local offices and native-speaking staff. More than merely meeting language requirements, these in-country, mother tongue employees have the cultural sensitivity required to deal with customer enquiries, as well as the ability to keep up-to-date with on the ground knowledge of changes in consumer behaviour.
The ‘think global, act local’ principle is the perfect one for The Translation People’s customer relation strategy to live by: it enables us to keep our commitment of offering first-rate quality in both the service and translations we provide, whilst proving our genuine concern for international clients by catering to them locally.