The Translation People open office in Germany
Following our successful launch in Paris last year, we have taken a further important step to increase our presence in Europe by opening a new office in the city of Bonn.
The Translation People’s business in Germany has seen dramatic expansion this year with client numbers in the first 4 months of 2011 up by more than 80% compared with the same period last year.
The Translation People director, David Nichols commented “we have experienced a strong build up of business in Germany in specialised sectors such as medical, pharmaceutical, transport and engineering where the need for precision in translation and tight delivery turn round times is critical. Many of our customers are vying for important export business and find that multilingual presentations and literature in their customers’ languages help considerably in winning export contracts. With the continuing weakness of Sterling against the Euro, our clients also find our prices very competitive compared with those of other European suppliers.”
The German economy overall has rebounded strongly from recession and some forecasters now expect a period of sustained growth lasting up to 10 years. Germany recently announced a record export performance enabling it to retain the coveted number 2 position amongst world exporting nations, just behind China.
The Translation People’s operation in Bonn is headed up by German national Patrick Hobus, who has extensive knowledge and years of experience in the translation industry in Germany. Patrick, in his role as German business development manager, enjoys support from a highly qualified team including project manager Denise Sauer who moved from her home town near Frankfurt to join The Translation People last year and native Bavarian Jasmin Schneider, who oversees the company’s operations.
Commenting on the location of the new office, Jasmin Schneider said “Bonn is ideal for us as it benefits from the proximity of airports in Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt and also from excellent direct rail links with German and European cities. Situated on the banks of the Rhine, it is famous for being the birthplace of Beethoven and the seat of the Federal Government for 5 decades but it has now transformed itself into a thriving cultural and business city, home to such well known companies as Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Post, DHL and Postbank.”
For further information and advice on doing business in Germany, please do not hesitate to call us on +49 228 304 14016