Launch of Translation People's Client Portal
2011 saw the launch of our Client Portal, a system which offers our customers greater transparency and control with regard to the monitoring of quotes and projects. Individual login details give our clients secure access round the clock to the Portal’s control panel, where the progress of translation projects can be monitored and any corresponding files can be uploaded/downloaded. Moreover, as no initial setup or software is required (the Portal is available online), the Portal can be used immediately.
The Client Portal offers a user friendly interface with quick and easy access to all of your projects. The main features of the portal are as follows:
- Updating of client contact details
- Managing account security settings
- Requesting quotes and uploading files
- Tracking quotes (both current and past), viewing/approving or declining them
- Tracking projects and monitoring their status
- Retrieving translations and uploading reviewed files
- Communicating with your Account Manager through the Message board
Whilst we are still more than happy to receive communications and project requests by email, we feel it is important to allow clients who want a secure platform for submitting documents (which are sometimes larger than permitted by email) and who want to have visibility on the status of their projects around the clock. Moreover, through fully trained Crystal Reports specialists, we are able to create customised reports detailing a wide variety of information about client quotes, projects and invoices. For more information on our client portal, please contact Jasmin Schneider, our operations manager, on 0121 635 5065 or