Date: 16.07.2014

UK EXPORTS RISE AGAIN: Savvy British businesses enter new markets on a budget

British businesses are cashing in on the competitive pound to increase exports – but they are doing it on a budget, according to leading translation services provider The Translation People.

Commenting on the latest trade statistics, which show a continuing rise in UK exports1; Steve Wilde, managing director of The Translation People, said: “In line with the latest statistics, we have seen a sharp rise in the number of businesses seeking translation services – with a 30 per cent increase in orders for November.

“While EU languages have continued to be in high demand, we have also seen a surge in requests for non-European languages, in particular Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Indian languages.

“At the same time, we have seen greater demand than ever before for smart translation solutions that can be delivered within a tight budget. In this challenging economic climate, every pound, euro or dollar really counts, and clients large and small expect us to help them do more with less. Investing in localised marketing materials is a key way to overcome language and cultural barriers, and proven to help exporters achieve greater success in foreign markets.”

While the country faces a trade deficit, overseas trade in services remain strong, and The Translation People is an example of a British company that is successfully exporting its own services abroad.

Steve adds: “Keen to maximise market opportunities, we have launched targeted promotional campaigns in three European countries and have invested heavily to increase our online presence overseas and to step up face-to-face contact in new markets.”

For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact Kate Jones –

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/ 07766 829 143

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