Date: 16.07.2014

The Translation People (formerly known as Roevin Translation Services) Joins Translation Steering Group

Graduate Apprenticeship Scheme set to assist entry into the translation profession

The Translation People, a leading language translation company with a global network of translation experts, today announced their participation in the Steering Group for the “Graduate Apprenticeship Scheme”, a pilot scheme which aims to offer MA students in Translation Studies a high quality structured work placement within a professional translation organisation.

The Graduate Apprenticeship Scheme hopes to secure funding as part of a forthcoming proposal for support to the Department for Education and Skills Gateways Development Fund. The proposal, to be submitted by CILT, the national centre for languages, covers four strands of work designed to improve recruitment and retention into the professions, including the translation profession.

As well as CILT, members of the Steering Group include the Association of Translation Companies, the Universities of Aston, Salford, Leeds, Westminster, Imperial College (University of London) and London Metropolitan University as well as five translation companies, including The Translation People.

The DfES report “Languages for All: Languages for Life” outlines some of the issues affecting language learning in England which could impact on the translation profession, and presents the government’s strategy for transforming language learning in England.

A statement from the Chair following the July 2006 meeting of the G8 leaders in St Petersburg, identified languages as a ‘critical area’ of education for the 21st century.

“We shall facilitate wider use of information and communication technologies, enhance standards in mathematics, science, technology and foreign languages, and support the engagement of highly qualified teachers in these critical areas”

Some issues which are affecting the translation profession include:

-a decline in numbers of students taking languages at A-level (fewer than 5% of the total entries)
-a lack of students studying language to degree level and beyond (fewer than 3% of students enrolled on first degree courses studying language subjects in 2000/1)
-a shortage of modern language teachers at secondary level
-a skills gap between new university graduates and employment opportunities in the global economy.

The impact of these issues is that there is likely to be an acute shortage of native English speaking translators in the future and those who do graduate in translation studies are not necessarily “work ready”.

Measures proposed in the DfES report include increasing the number of Specialist Language Colleges, using ICT to raise the quality of teaching materials and working with higher education institutions to promote the advantages of taking courses which include languages. Another measure is to introduce foreign language classes into every primary school by 2010. Pilot schemes have been very successful and provide evidence that young children, encouraged in a positive manner, are receptive to learning new languages.

The Translation People, sponsor of the awards for “Achievement in Translation” for undergraduates and “Excellence in Translation” for postgraduates, at Aston and Salford Universities, is committed to promoting excellence in the field of translation studies and improving links between higher education institutions and the commercial world. By offering high quality structured work placements for postgraduate students through the Graduate Apprenticeship Scheme, The Translation People hope to help raise the profile of the translation industry and help bridge the gap between education and the commercial world.

About The Translation People
The Translation People offer language translation services, localisation, multilanguage desktop publishing and interpreting services to global organisations in a wide range of fields including mechanical engineering, healthcare, control and instrumentation, legal, financial, industrial and consumer electronics and process manufacturing. The Translation People offer translation services in over 100 language pairs with French, Spanish , German, Chinese and Japanese translations currently the most commonly requested. The company is respected for tight turnaround times, accuracy and their professional experience in a wide range of publishing formats.

For more information, please contact:
Gail Owen 
The Translation People 

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