With a population of only just over 300,000 and an additional 8000 speakers residing in Denmark, Icelandic has fewer speakers than Irish Gaelic, Samoan and Maltese. Despite these small numbers, The Translation People will ensure that your Icelandic translation project is only ever placed with a translator whose native language is Icelandic, but who also has an excellent command of English and expert knowledge in their chosen specialist field.
Iceland’s most important assets are its natural resources, particularly clean energy from hydro and geothermal power stations, fishing and agriculture. The abundant supply of renewable energy in Iceland has attracted foreign investment in the power-intensive metal manufacturing sector, particularly aluminium and ferro-silicon production, which now account for 40% of the country’s export total. In addition, Iceland’s “knowledge economy”, which has been built on the high quality of education and research and development in the country, attracts hi-tech enterprises whose systems are used around the world.
Although a large percentage of the Icelandic population speak good English, translations are essential for any company doing business in Iceland.
Should your organisation have any Icelandic translation requirements, please don’t hesitate to request a quote or contact us now.
Icelandic translation
Iceland has been in the news recently for all the wrong reasons: the collapse of its major banks, spiralling debt and rumours of bankruptcy. However, with the media now talking about green shoots of recovery in the global financial markets, Iceland will be looking to rebuild its relations with overseas importers and exporters and translations are likely to play a vital role in this.
The Translation People’s Icelandic to English translators cover a broad range of specialist subjects, from manufacturing to marketing and finance to pharmaceuticals, to name but a few examples. Whatever your industry, our team of translators has the specialist knowledge to ensure that your translation is accurate and appropriate.
If you have a specific document that you are considering translating from Icelandic, please request a quote or contact one of our experienced Account Managers now.
Why use The Translation People’s Icelandic translation services?
- Our Icelandic translators work exclusively into their native language and ensure that their language skills and subject knowledge are up to date through ongoing professional development.
- As well as undergoing a rigorous selection process, our translators are professionally qualified with proven expertise in their specialist subject areas.
- Our Icelandic translators are competent users of the latest translation memory technology, which can be used to deliver more consistent and cost effective translations.
- The Translation People’s in-house design studio can deliver your artwork in a wide range of formats including the Microsoft Office suite, Quark XPress, Adobe PDF, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe FrameMaker, PageMaker and InterLeaf.
Icelandic – Did you know?
Although part of the Indo-European group of languages, which includes German and English, Icelandic is quite unlike any other European language and differs quite considerably from even its closest relative, Norwegian. The Icelandic language uses letters from the Roman alphabet (apart from c, q and w which are only used in foreign loan words), as well as some letters from the Runic alphabet such as Þ, which no longer exist in English.
The oldest written examples of Icelandic date back to the 10th century AD, although the most famous of these are the Sagas of the Icelanders written in the 13th and 14th centuries. This collection of literature, comprising of some 40 different narratives, details the struggles and feuds of Norse settlers in medieval Iceland. Based on stories which had already been passed down orally for generations, the sagas are celebrated in Iceland today both for their vivid, sometimes fantastical, account of medieval life and also because of their merit as a historical record.
English to Icelandic translation
English | Icelandic |
Hello | Halló (Hal-law) |
Goodbye | Faravel (Fa-ra-vel) |
Good Morning | Góðan daginn (Goh-dhan da-kin) |
Good Evening | Gott kvöld (Got kvur-lt) |