Our Commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Principles

At The Translation People, we take our environmental, social and governance responsibilities very seriously. Our commitment to ESG principles influences our everyday practices and decisions in order to support a sustainable future. We have been ESG assessed and certified by our partner Sustainable Advantage and have been named Avetta ESG Innovator 2024. Our ESG committee, a dedicated group of staff from diverse teams and locations, leads our continuous improvement process and highlights our achievements.

Environmental Protection

We strive to minimise our environmental footprint and advance sustainable practices. Our initiatives focus on reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, saving energy and preventing waste. We are collaborating with our landlords to transition to renewable energy, we have significantly reduced business and commuter travel and are opting for public transport whenever possible, while setting clear goals to further decrease our energy consumption. Our waste management programmes emphasise recycling and waste reduction, continuously seeking ways to lessen our impact on the planet.

Social Responsibility

Our dedication to social responsibility is reflected in our efforts to make a positive impact on our employees, customers and our local communities. We prioritise the well-being, safety, and development of our employees, promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace. Our staff are involved in supporting local community initiatives, including volunteering at food banks, participating in litter-picking efforts, and organising events for the elderly. We are committed to giving back to the communities in which we operate. The Translation People makes regular donations to charitable causes close to our hearts such as Save the Children and Mind.

Strong Corporate Governance

We adhere to the highest standards of governance, ensuring accountability, transparency and integrity in all our operations. Our governance framework includes a robust system of checks and balances, overseen by an independent and diverse board of directors. We are committed to ethical business practices, compliance with laws and regulations, and maintaining open communication with our stakeholders.

Continuous Improvement

Our ESG commitment is an ongoing process of continuous improvement which is led by our ESG committee. At the beginning of each year, we establish our action plan which involves improving our ESG scores in areas such as environmental management, investment in human capital and communities and good governance and compliance. By setting measurable goals and transparently reporting our progress, we hold ourselves accountable and demonstrate our dedication to creating a sustainable future.

At The Translation People, we believe our ESG commitment is critical to long-term success. We are proud of our progress and remain committed to driving positive change for the environment, society, and corporate governance practices. Together, we can build a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous world.

Jill from our Finance department helped host an O.A.P. Christmas Party, where they served a three-course Christmas lunch to 65 delighted pensioners. The event also featured games and live music.

Project Manager Yuliya volunteered at a local community larder called FEAST (Families Eating And Sharing Together), distributing food parcels and hot lunches to local families in need.

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