
Services | 29.07.2009

FrameMaker S-Tagger/Story Collection

If you are considering creating a document which will be distributed to a number of markets in multiple languages, it is worth thinking carefully about the software you use, as this choice may be able to reduce your translation and typesetting costs at a later stage. Here Dave Williams, Production Specialist for The Translation People,…

Company news | 28.07.2009

The Translation People attend London 2012 Business Event

On 21 July, The Translation People attended the London 2012 Business Event, held for local companies based in the London borough of Hillingdon and organised by the London Business Network. The London Business Network is a joint initiative by three key London-based business organisations: London First, the London Chamber of Commerce and CBI London; and…

Language focus | 23.07.2009

Bilingualism is Killing The Welsh Language

According to recent research undertaken by Dr Richard Glyn Roberts, bilingualism is killing the Welsh language. Dr Roberts, a lecturer at University College Dublin in the School of Gaelic and Celtic Studies has published a book in which he argues that Welsh is being dominated by English within Wales. The Welsh language although taught in…

Translation Industry News | 22.07.2009

Taiwan Railways Administrations Criticised for Poor Quality Translation

Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) have been strongly criticised for producing error-strewn translations in a travel guide provided at one of their stations. It is thought that TRA made use of computer software for translation from Chinese into English. Unfortunately, the limitations of such an approach have been highlighted only too clearly. It is thought that…

Language focus | 21.07.2009

History of English Part Four: Modern English

The period known as Modern English is generally considered to have begun during the 15th century. The factors defining what constitutes Modern English are the Great Vowel Shift and an increased standardisation of English, partly as a result of the arrival of printing technology. The Great Vowel Shift was a major change in pronunciation which…

Translation Industry News | 20.07.2009

University of Arizona Offers Summer Translation Course

The University of Arizona, along with the Translation Studies Programme run by Pima Community College, is running a class in interpretation over the summer for a limited number of students. To qualify, applicants must already be bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish. Only 25 students were selected out of 80 applicants for the first year…

Services | 19.07.2009

Proposals for free translation services for defendants in EU countries

The European Commission is planning to provide free translation services for defendants. If a person is accused of a crime while abroad and needs to appear in court, it is frequently the case that they won’t speak the local language, which can put them at a huge disadvantage. By providing free translation services, defendants can…

Translation Industry News | 18.07.2009

La Tribune experiences automatic translation problems

French newspaper, La Tribune, has been using automatic translation as a cost-saving measure, but the results have fallen far short of what they might have expected had they made use of professional translation services. A number of headlines have highlighted the limitations of machine translation, with the paper publishing stories such as ‘The Chinese car…

Language focus | 17.07.2009

History of English Part Three: Middle English

We have seen how English began with the arrival of the Germanic tribes and how it was subsequently altered by the language of the Vikings. The next major influence came from the Normans and after the Norman Conquest in 1066, the language spoken in England is considered to be Middle English. Norman became the language…

Company news | 14.07.2009

ITI Scottish Network

Since the relaunch of The Translation People in September 2008, and our subsequent acceptance as corporate members of the ITI, the Glasgow team have attended several functions organised by the ITI Scottish Network. First, Sam Bennett attended the AGM and Christmas Lunch in Glasgow, then she spoke at the Spring Workshop on what translation agencies…

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